Glebe Farm Hedging

Latest News

Christmas 2024

Please note that our last courier delivery date before Christmas will be Thursday 19th December. We will be closed from Monday 23rd December until Thursday 3rd January. Deliveries will resume from week commencing 6th January 2025. Wishing all our customers a very...

Countryside Stewardship BN11 Hedging

Please ask us to quote for Countryside Stewardship BN11 and BN7 mixed native farm hedging. Prices start from around £4.45 + VAT per metre excluding guards and canes. We can supply pre-set native hedge mixes or bespoke mixes to suit your preference. For DEFRA compliant...


From 1st August you can pre-order most bare root plants for delivery in November, when the season starts. Ordering early will ensure delivery in the early part of the season when planting conditions and plant availability are normally at their best.

APRIL 2024

The season for bare root plants has now finished. Bare root hedging and trees will be available to pre-order for November delivery from August onwards. Pot grown Lavenders will be available again from June.

MARCH 2024

Wet conditions have made planting very difficult in many parts of the country this season. Now, with a slightly drier outlook for March, we still have good availability on bare root hedging and young trees. If you are looking to plant Countryside Stewardship hedges in...


We still have good availability on most bare root hedging and trees. Native hedging mixes for Countryside Stewardship Schemes and other farm based incentives are all still available. Please ask us to quote  for quantities of more than 500 plants.


Lead time on most orders is currently around 2-3 weeks, where possible we will always try to despatch orders within this timeframe. However, please note that we will be closed over Christmas from 22nd December - 3rd January.


We will be starting to despatch pre-booked orders from around mid November, weather permitting. Orders placed in November will be delivered from early December onwards.

APRIL 26th 2023

The season for bare root hedging and trees has now finished - bare root plants will be available again from November. You can pre-order from August onwards.

© 2023 Glebe Farm Hedging

Latest News

Product Catalogue

Our free colour catalogue for 2023-24 is available now, please complete the form on our contact page, ring or email us if you would like a copy.

Contact us

Glebe Farm, Langham, Colchester, Essex CO4 5PP
TEL: 01206 323200


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